About aquariums in fish shops
I was looking for some shrimps in Belgrade. And found this little fish shop on the market. There was a turn of few people. So I decided to wait little bit. And noticed this aquarium on the left at the bottom. There were a huge fishes inside. For owners of the place may be it is an amazing thing. They probably think that costumers would be happy to see a fish alive, and buy it to cook. For me it looks totally different.

I used to have aquariums at home. There were living different kind of creatures inside. Like fishes, snails, shrimps, turtles, frogs - everything I could possibly grab at local pet shops. There were plants of course and other organisms. Aquariums are deep ecosystems, where everything is interdependent. It was a huge learning process for me. Cause those heroes would eventually die. I would flush their bodies into the toilet. And I would think what was the reason of the end.
That was the difficult part of it, to care about illnesses and mistakes in conditions. Especially when I would party with friends and then go home late and forget about everything. Sometimes feed them pretty bad. Keeping aquariums in dirt for long times. And stuff like this. But after a while I realised, that I did as much as I could. It just depended on how much aware I was at the very moment of those small worlds they used to live in. I could provide some care. But I could not ever provide an ideal one. As I'm far from an ideal myself. So I just observed and learned. There were many positive quests around it. But current topic is about this aquarium:

So I thought that it's terrible. Those fishes are obviously damaged because of the small space. They can't swim around. And just stuck forever until this woman will take them out and cut with a big knife. I doubt I would feel happy after eating this. I stood for 5 minutes and went away. Cause nothing changed with the queue. And nothing going on inside the building. I'm not hungry. This woman is probably not happy to serve either. Who wants to support such companies? And seem to be many people looking for a fish. Who want to provide them with a better shop? That overweighted my longing for shrimps today.