Another observation of love

At this point I have almost no foundation to build any sustainable relationship. So I was looking for possible solutions. There is one theory I like in particular and would like to share it. It’s nothing new really. May be a different angle.
Let’s split the relationships building materials into 3 main elements. Physical, emotional and spiritual. Just for the sake of making it something feasible for our logical minds. Really it can be a whole spectrum of light, like a rainbow. If I can build with physical, good. Then emotional would be amazing. And so on. Although I can be rich in any of those elements. It would not necessarily make me happy long term. One day you rich, the next day you can be on the street. I’ve seen lots of interviews with homeless people. There are as many ways to loose as to gain. People loose money, possessions, families, relatives, and everything you may crave for to the very bottom. So you can build it, but how long is your relationship going to last?

There is something you get from a relationship. The happiness of love. We want to love and be loved. And where are you going to get it once you loose your building materials? When no one wants to love you anymore. Because you are not useful. Well you can start accumulating your possessions once again. In order to get this love. How long is it going to last next time? Obviously there is an unlimited source of love in each of us. Thats why we’re being able to connect with each other and build relationships. But why is it falling apart so quickly?
Since each of us is a very unique being, you can not fill your own essence fully with someones love. They’re just not able to do it. They can not fully appreciate your uniqueness. And give value to every part of your being. No matter how much materials they have. They may try to do it. But even to discover and appreciate certain parts of a friend is a long process. You may even argue that it is an infinite journey. So there is always going to be a black spot dragging you down. And them. This spot is going to grow in pain, because no one loves it. And what is not loved eventually going to die.

So the only solution to this pain is self love. By being useful for yourself. By taking decisions in accordance with your essence. I imagine then you don’t really rely on any building materials to be happy. Doesn’t mean that you will not have them. They will be present as long as you’re alive. Because of this limitless nature of the source. But now you going to utilise them in a different way. Thats where the quality arises. You don’t limit yourself by materials. Because you don’t really need to build anything. It is just a joy of building.
It’s a very common dilemma of our time. In everything that we produce into this world. Now we have to spend money ineffectively in order to save our status quo. Since we were trying to be effective so much. We finally trapped our happiness.

So as long as we’re happy with ourselves, we probably have a chance to build a sustainable relationships. Since we take care of the own pain, there is nothing substantial to drag the relationship down.
Here I complete the idealistic picture for your mind pleasure. And going to walk further in my mess.