Astrology and quantum physics

Astrology is popular among many people who found certain value in it. Although it was not proved to be valid by the major science.  In particular it is not certain how distant planets can affect regular peoples lives. So it was “disproved” many times by scientists according to the Wikipedia. I’ve read an article which compares the light from the very distant Sirius star to the light from a firebug in the bushes, gravitation from a Pole star with the mosquito flying by.

4 types of fundamental forces acting in the universe are commonly stated:

  1. Strong nuclear force
  2. Electromagnetic force
  3. Weak nuclear force
  4. Gravity

Comparing the measurements of those forces, we can see that firebugs and mosquitoes make a stronger effect on us than the stars. Thus there seems to be no hope for the Astrology until some new scientific discovery be made. May be a different type of “force”?

And yet most of the articles I’ve seen use the classical physics. Here I want to note that in quantum physics there is a “quantum entanglement” phenomenon observed. Particles, like photons can be correlated no matter distance they are apart. By observing one such correlated particle we can get an information about another one. It just appears that those particles could not be fully described individually but a whole having a certain state. It has been demonstrated even for bigger molecules and small diamonds. They do not act on each other indeed. The distance doesn’t matter, speed limits and forces doesn’t matter, but there is a certain symmetry present. The observed particles are common in the universe. So it means everything might be interconnected by those principles.

The Big Bang theory is the most common today, and it states that all this matter we can see around was once present in the single spot. As we live our lives on the Earth, our "space ship" once formed still moves through the cosmos with the Solar system and the Milky Way galaxy. Moves with the indefinite expansion of all the matter in the universe taking place after the Big Bang. And since our bodies were compiled off the cosmic dust, we can possibly treat ourselves as a part of all this universe equally to every star and planet out there. So what if there is a correlation between us and distant objects? What if we share a certain state with the cosmos?

Astrology at its best considers the whole picture around, not a single planet in the chart. The number of planets we know may change in the future. But the aspect once given to the planet, we can pass to the newly discovered planet. Saturn had a revolutionary and freedom aspect to it before the discovery of Uranus. At the time our consciousness was limited in a way. Saturn was the planet of rules. the realm of scientists. So the scientists knew how to break those rules, and it could be perceived as the freedom at the time. And then the Uranus was discovered in 1781 during the times of American revolution, liberation of colonies and establishment of the new country. A different type of freedom indeed. So for many the consciousness was expanded to the new perception.

Today we still have a limited view of the space around.  Those planets used today in Astrology could be further specialized to a narrower set of functions in the future. But the whole interconnection between the cosmos and us will remain at the base. I think it makes possible for the Astrology to be described by the quantum physics. Classical physics suits very well to describe what we see on the Earth. But quantum physics looks at the very micro level, at the building blocks of the universe. There are no speed limits to the information “traveling” through the matter anymore.


Book by P. R. Wallace “Paradox Lost: Images of the Quantum”