Between Two Worlds

I have often had the impression that the act of travelling is putting yourself between two worlds. As I am writing this I am sitting in a bus, going from one city to another, watching people living their lives as we roll by. Therefore this seems to be the perfect time to express some feelings I’ve been having about my life recently.

On my first trip I discovered hostels. I thought they were magical places where I could meet new people daily so I could always start over if I ever messed up any social interaction. I had a great time partying whenever I could and doing all the must-see attractions. I attempted bike travel and hitchhiking but didn’t think it would be possible to camp out more than just once in awhile. Hostels seemed far more enjoyable after all.

On my second trip I decided to do some volunteering to stretch my budget. This worked to some extent, I got to experience some places in a more meaningful way, I made some deeper connections and learned some things I wouldn’t have learned otherwise. Looking back it is probably my second favourite way to travel although it still lacks an element of freedom as it binds you to a certain place for a certain amount of time with a boss who may or may not be completely crazy.

On my third trip I headed to South East Asia without much desire to do anything at all except for exploring as many cities as I could. I’d go from one hostel to the next often staying a week or more in each city I set foot in. I found out there isn’t many good volunteering options there so I’d spend my days walking around and eating at restaurants. I ended up getting so bored that I chose to end my trip after 4 months although I still had time and resources to keep going if I had desired.

Then for awhile I thought my time as a traveller had passed. I thought 3 trips in 3 years had burned me out and I needed to settle down. I also knew I was doing something wrong. My last trip had been too easy, devoid of adventure. As the itch to travel slowly returned through the 2 year period I spent living in Montreal I knew I had to do something different next time.

After these last 7 months of travelling I have come a long way both physically and spiritually but now I find myself caught between two worlds. Spending time with the rainbow family has gotten me acquainted with some experts in travelling freely. They travel exclusively by hitchhiking, camping, couchsurfing and busking. They are able to travel perpetually and aren’t bound by any rules or material possessions. This is how I wish to travel but I find myself unable to let go of the fear of having nothing. Although I now find I fit in more with free travellers than hostel hoppers I also don’t like relying on other peoples kindness to fill my everyday needs. I’m not sure if I’ll ever be able to let go completely or if I’ll even want to. I have to find the perfect balance between comfort and adventure.