Enjoying the Moment

I have often given this piece of advice to new travellers: “You can never see everything, so don’t try.” It’s easy to get so caught up with the stories, suggestions and recommendations of peers that one forgets to enjoy where they are in the present. Sometimes I have to remind myself to take my own advice. There will always be another hill to climb and another country to visit but once I am there I will wish I had better enjoyed the last one.

it’s sometimes hard to decide how long is long enough in any given place. Looking back there are some places that I wish I had enjoyed longer but there are others where I stayed longer than I should have. In the beginning of a journey it is hard to overcome the desire to keep moving. After a few months I often extend my stays out of a yearning for stability.

I think there is no right answer because the grass will always be greener on the other side and situations can change quickly based on a single interaction. It seems impossible to avoid trying to plan my next destination but that’s part of the joys of travelling.