Ghost rainbow

I tried to reach the previous Rainbow location yesterday. Near Dobrenoec village. Went to the very end of the car road. And made this final push to the nature. I first went up the mountain too hard. And missed the track. Then I went down and took the right track. By the side of the mountain. I was digging wet foliage with my feet. Beating heart. Sweating hard. Wild animals dart around.
Half of the way I realised that the river is not flowing anymore. Probably not the season. And I had no water. So I thought wtf. What I’m gonna do there without water. Screw this adventure. And just went back to the cave. Through the darkness. Going back and thinking wow! I always so hard on myself. It should be a movement in life. But not like that.
So I came back. Drenched in sweat. It was getting cold. Made a fire. Washed my socks in the river with the light of the phone. Brought some water. Rice. Mint tea. Thoughts. Thoughts. Thoughts… Screams of nocturnal animals. And silence. I fall asleep.