Little painting story part 2

Another day I met my friend Daniele who told me the original story. He said that it was actually he who painted the bottle of rake. I looked over reported story once again and decided to leave it as is. He sent me some pictures of the hostel back then. And here is the original bottle. Looks amazing. The guy who painted over the bottle of rake eventually became a manager of the hostel. My friend said he was the biggest piece of shit he ever met.

Something changed since then. But as I came here only a couple of months ago I can not really track the history. What I see nowadays is that there is no guitar on the wall anymore, and no one allowed to play their own music on the sound system. Another volunteer told me that there used to be a fight over the music in the hostel. People were going crazy about playing their tunes. So I imagined a rumble in the hostel. Someone smashing a bottle of rake over the head of another DJ. And the owner saying: «I don’t want this wicked shit anymore!». The «Sodom and Gomorrah» was destroyed.

As a regular volunteer today I use to listen to the same radio station day after day. Turn it on in the morning. «Tvoj jivot, tvoja muzika». And here we go. Now it feels like a post nuclear catastrophe times. I’m walking in the city with the huge megaton bomb in the centre which failed to detonate. We do not notice the bomb anymore. Occasionally Albert the cat is leaving his cat life in a dream and coming to check the reality. He says that everything is fine.

'tis only times when were no rules, now hanging on the wall.