Living off-grid in an abandoned Albanian military bunker

Howdy folks, Dandelion here.

I’ve been a wandering bard since 2015, going from place to place with my musical offerings. Currently I’ve been living in an abandoned military bunker in Southern Albania for the past 3 months. Here’s a brief tour.

It’s been a rewarding experience to spend so much time here. I’ve gone through a lot of my inner conflicts, struggles, joys, etc. As a person who loves to talk to others, it’s been helpful to be quiet most of the time, and reflect on my adventures. Here is a video where I discuss some of these reflections.

As I mentioned, living alone in nature, with a few distant neighbors, can be full of a rich variety of emotions. Sometimes it is like in Thoreau’s Walden: an ecstatic joy, feeling complete, in tune with nature and her elements, and in awe of the beauty surrounding one’s self.

Other times, despair, loneliness, and difficulty arrive, like storm clouds. Here’s a song that I wrote as a recorded improvisation during one of those moments, deep in the dark of the cold night, awakened by disturbing dreams.

All in all, these experiences with their varied and nuanced emotional offerings, have put me into a state of inspiration. I feel so much energy surging through me with regards to creating, recording, and sharing the insights that I’ve been accumulating through my travels. Even the difficulties, or especially the difficulties, offer untold riches to my spirit.

Hopefully these video clips offer you some spiritual food for these short, dark days as the solstice approaches. Don’t give up hope, the days will begin to lengthen in a few weeks, and the wheel of time will move once again toward the warmth of Summer’s embrace.