To fix the posture
My shoulders are hunched hard. Here is something I discovered. There are muscles on the back, between the shoulders blades. They work in conjunction with some muscles on the front, like pectoral ones. Together they hold the shoulders in a certain position. So my front muscles shortened with the time. While the back muscles stretched. The whole system ceased to work properly. The shoulders are now crooked. Many problems arise from that. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Our body is the best self training apparatus. In particular it trains muscles well during the walk. That is the first reason we getting all those problems - we seat most of the time. Well let's start walking more, will it solve the shoulders issue? I use to walk much more now, but it doesn't really help. Here goes the twist:

Those muscles on the back simply ceased to work effectively. Due to the incorrect twist of the arms during the walk. In particular the palms are not parallel to the body. Hands not moving by straight, but slightly to the sides. Excluding very necessary movement behind the back of the body. Thus these muscles omitted from the chain. They never get a training, slowly atrophying. You can test this by yourself. Just standing near the wall in such a position is a simple way to start feeling them little bit.
Everything that is not used dies out with the time. So those muscles that do not work become smaller and weaker. While other muscles have to pick up the job. Which leads to overwork. So we loose the balance of the body. Hence the stress and pain appear in the muscle chains. After a while we get used to it, and it's getting harder to fix. As the body significantly restructures itself to adapt to our lifestyle. But it is not a static thing.
It is possible to start training them back simply during the walk. Let's see how far such a routine can go.