Photo flashback from Turkey
I used to carry those films that I shot in Turkey on the pocket soviet wonder Agat 18k. I bought the camera for $10 back in Novosibirsk. My good friend recommended it, cause of the lens. He also said that Japanese people like this camera. And I like the fact, cause I find their culture really interesting.
I tried to shoot a couple of films in Novosibirsk. And it was very random. It has almost no control. It’s like you turn 1 ring to the rainy day picture and shoot. And then check what happened after a while. Had some strange light effects also. Which might be pretty fun. Another good thing about it was the distance. I think it could be used from 0.9 meters. But could not ever make any sharp picture out of it anyway. So that was the only one I had and I took it to the Turkey. Found a film store in Fethiye, Sokak 88 and got a couple of Fuji films. Made some pics, without expecting much.
Later I tried to find a processing store in the South of Turkey with no success. I got one deal with the guy in Denizli, who sent my films to Izmir and back. They processed the films. But the scanning results were awful. I don’t know why, they scanned only some cadres in super low resolution, like squares and soap. So I gave up on this. But carried the films with me.
It’s like a year passed at this point. A couple of days ago in Belgrade I found a film processing and scanning shop. They made scans in 6mp. I highly compressed everything, because of the blog hosting limitations, but it’s almost the same. So someone may check it out..