Sunny hostel

Took a bus from Kicevo to Ohrid. My friend said me that he has heard of this Sunny Lake hostel. So I gave it a try. Very nice layout here. Although I was hoping to take a shower I came when water disappeared unexpectedly. But I slept in a warm room on a soft bed. So I was so happy about that. There was another guy in the hostel, from Israel. He chose to sleep in a cold room. The next day he was pretty unhappy. And still no water. So he went to some other place.
Other 3 guys moved to Tirana in the morning. There was 1 girl who offered me to play chess with her, but I said I’m not good at chess. For some reason. All those guys pretty much reflected my inner conflicts. But I don’t want to dig into that too much.
This hostel is pretty sunny indeed. While the temperatures are low outside. I’m sitting on the terrace and enjoy the sun. No warmth and shower is just something I got used to. One thing I definitely fixed for tonight. Let’s see what about water. Maybe I’ll have to move and find it somewhere else.
Ps. The water appeared once I finished the message.