The doors of Russia are closing behind

Russia has a mandatory military service. Some laws oblige me to come to the military recruitment office in person and report where I live and whether I plan to stay outside of the country for more than 6 months. But I find it dangerous to come there, also not possible to report anything remotely. 6 months have passed recently since my last visit to the country. They made so many laws changes since then, that I lost the thread. I think the latest was to raise all types of fines related to military recruitment 10 fold. I’m not sure which is my legal status and rights now in terms of it. As these rights are pretty much ephemeral and the law is protecting something else. If I try to report anything about me, it wont be safe. If I don’t report anything it wont be safe either. I choose the latter.

What they make is basically strengthening the ties between people and military recruitment offices, holding every potential recruit in control. Sending them to fight whenever they want. They may say many words about why it matters. But it costs nothing in practice. Take a president statement that there will be no war with Ukraine for eg. Next thing you know there is some war going on. I think it is not even allowed to use this term. So everything is possible when someone needs it. The question is. What the government needs? Reading some news from Russia, I'm amused how they started to pass those laws, in few days each. As if it is using a moment to quickly grab the power from the people.

The country started to separate from the rest of the world more and more. It started reminding me of North Korea for some reason. They want to filter the outside internet completely. Every website owned by Russian citizen is going to forbid foreign mail servers. Russian websites related to the government are blocked to enter from outside too. Foreign information is becoming pretty much out of law, like in USSR. Only the stuff which fits the narrative of the government. There is bad and good information. When you support the government actions in words it is good. Otherwise you face consequences, fines and jail. All the necessary laws are designed in real time.

Probably better to move to the country, considered ‘unfriendly’ by the Russian government. But everyone defend their borders, and only those ‘friendly’ end up being visa free. Otherwise some docs needed even just to try stepping somewhere. With this double-edged sword I stand outside.