The frustrations of a simple employee

When I moved to rural Quebec last fall finding a job where I wouldn’t get screamed at was my top priority. There were limited options as it is a small town so I hedged my bets on the local pizzeria and fast food restaurant.
When I first peered into the window I noticed there were many items that were crossed off the menu, presumably having been sold out. I figured this was a good sign as a place that was badly managed would be an easy and relaxed place to work.

After 4 months of employment I can say that while my boss is respectful and not pushy I believe he has a mental anomaly similar to ADHD. He feels compelled to change something in his business at least every week. Since I’ve worked here he has asked for our help to rearrange the kitchen and the dining room almost every week and has also changed his whole menu.
Recently he decided to move the whole pizza oven and prep area to another room further from the grill and fryer. He has completed the change despite each one of his employees telling him that this is a bad idea. The whole operation is now less efficient with everyone having to walk further and no real advantage except more unneeded space.

One positive thing about this experience is it has given me the confidence to manage my own business in the future as I could not possibly do any worst than he has.

For the meantime I just have to grit my teeth and get through the summer so I can be free again. At least I’m not getting screamed at. Free pizza is nice too...