Under the skin of Youtube news channels
There are many popular news channels on the Youtube. I was not actively searching. Rather than scrolling the recommended videos. However I’ve noticed something common there. The ones that I’ve seen were pushing their own strange agendas. And I have not stumbled upon a single clear organisation channel. Which would make nothing but a straight reports from the place. Sometimes I watch such a popular video, and there is an emotional appeal going on. The last one was a nation fighting against their own propaganda. Trying to deliver to their fellow citizens another side of the same coin. Blaming this and that. Sometimes there are individual reporters channels which do a great job. But not as popular as those organised news agencies. Well I get that they’re making money. But what is the real mission of those guys? I don't get it. It is usually some kind of a beautiful statement. And the content consistently craves for attention. Often you can get it simply from the title of the video. «They hide the truth from us».
I think those organisations get exactly what they want. More likes and a bunch of comments in the first few hours. The video is going viral. Subscribers and all kinds of successes. Then few hours pass. The core auditory, which was hooked in advance and waited for the new release already discussed the new meal. It was a positive and a self assuring conversation. Thousands of comments. «This is what we want guys, keep on going». You try to comment on such a video after 12 hours and there is no one. It will have many views though. Very strange spirit of things. Seems like many people consume this kind of a catchy content. To me Youtube looks like a microscopic reflection of the current world order and disorder. It is the very product of it.
What would be interesting to see? An agency passing the information without trying to make a next big sensation out of it. "Here is the topic. Here is our guy at the place illuminating our minds. Make your own conclusions." No sarcasm or anger. Speak as less as possible, and let those reporters speak as less as possible while showing facts. Interviews of people directly involved. Sounds like a utopia, isn't it?
It is. I have some hope that independent reporters collaborate more and build a great sources of information. So many people can face themselves and transform one by one. Inside and outside in the fellow society. May be video services will change then. Or we find something more suitable to the new models.